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  • 22/07/24

    19 July Newsletter

    I have an update on our recent Summer Fair. We raised approximately £12,000 which is amazing! Thank you to all who took part - this was a real team effort. My special thanks to Neil and his team from Vickers Winkworth (Maida Vale) for their generous sponsorship. Our Year 6 Yearbook was also sp...
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  • 10/07/24

    10 July Newsletter

    It was wonderful to see so many of you at the Summer Fair yesterday. Many former families also returned to our final event of the academic year which heartens me in our school community. A huge thank you to all who took part. Mrs Harrington will be able to give me an idea on the total amount raised...
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  • 28/06/24

    28 June Newsletter

    In the hopeful possibility that the weather remains hot, please do ensure children have a sun hat, water bottles and have sun cream applied before school. Please note, although school sun hats are desirable, any hat is fine for children to wear. Cups for water and fountains are always available for...
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  • 21/06/24

    21 June Newsletter

    Next Tuesday, 25th June, we look forward to a service with Fr. Alex to celebrate the sacrament of Holy Communion. Year 3 parents are warmly welcomed to join us in the school hall from 9:00.
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  • 16/06/24

    14 June Newsletter

    Plans for the Summer Fair on Sunday 7th July are in full swing. Please do see CVCs, Yvette and Florence for more information and how to help. Next Friday, Friday 21st June is School Auction Promise evening. Children can stay with their friends and teachers until 5:30 (Reception and Nursery) and 6:00...
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  • 07/06/24

    7 June Newsletter

    I have been asked by Westminster City Council and local residents for more consideration when parking to collect children. Please bear in mind that local residents and neighbours are incredibly helpful to our school over the years. I would like to ask for parents to be extra vigilant and courteous w...
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Contact Us

St Joseph's Catholic Primary School
Lanark Road, Sutherland Avenue
London, W9 1DF

020 7286 3518