This Week
In Nursery, during circle time the children had been learning all about friendships.
nursery.JPG60In Nursery, during circle time the children had been learning all about friendships.In Reception, the story of the week was the Pumpkin Soup. The children got to make and eat their very own soup!
reception.JPG59In Reception, the story of the week was the Pumpkin Soup. The children got to make and eat their very own soup!Our Bronze Age beaker pots by Year 3
POTS.jpg58Our Bronze Age beaker pots by Year 3Pink 3 have been busy comparing the UK and Kenya in Geography. We have enjoyed using the globe to help us!
638351407113068805IMG0786.jpeg57Pink 3 have been busy comparing the UK and Kenya in Geography. We have enjoyed using the globe to help us!