This week
This week, we celebrated the Feast Day of St Vincent de Paul. Year 6 produced some lovely art work for our St Vincent display.
image01)1).jpeg39This week, we celebrated the Feast Day of St Vincent de Paul. Year 6 produced some lovely art work for our St Vincent display.Y6 holding a photo of Kate, as we remembered her during Macmillan Coffee Morning.
Macmillan.jpeg38Y6 holding a photo of Kate, as we remembered her during Macmillan Coffee Morning.Blue 3 drawing their own nets to create 3D shapes.
IMG37501).jpg37Blue 3 drawing their own nets to create 3D shapes.Blue 3 had much fun creating British History Timelines. Great teamwork all round!
IMG37071).jpg36Blue 3 had much fun creating British History Timelines. Great teamwork all round!A great afternoon exploring the world of fossils with Year 3!
IMG37161).jpg35A great afternoon exploring the world of fossils with Year 3!This week, Year 6 have been identifying the features of instructions in English.
image0.jpeg34This week, Year 6 have been identifying the features of instructions in English.Reception played a Parachute Counting Game to 10!
IMG41111).JPG33Reception played a Parachute Counting Game to 10!In Computing, Year 5 created their own toys which had an input, output and process.
Year51).png32In Computing, Year 5 created their own toys which had an input, output and process.Year 5 enjoyed making Space Race art, to link with their Science and Art units.
3.10.jpg31Year 5 enjoyed making Space Race art, to link with their Science and Art units.Year 5 enjoyed writing about Henry VIII and deciding if he was a fair ruler or a tyrant.
21.9.jpg40Year 5 enjoyed writing about Henry VIII and deciding if he was a fair ruler or a tyrant.Pink 1 in Maths practising counting on from a given number.
autumn1week3p21).jpg41Pink 1 in Maths practising counting on from a given number.Our author of the term in Year 3 is Anthony Browne. We have created our own wonderful book covers.
image02)1).jpeg42Our author of the term in Year 3 is Anthony Browne. We have created our own wonderful book covers.During Maths, Year 6 have been working hard to solve challenging multi-step word problems.
image03).jpeg43During Maths, Year 6 have been working hard to solve challenging multi-step word problems.Pink 3 have been using tens and ones dienes in Maths to help them add numbers together.
638324509408034710IMG02631).jpeg44Pink 3 have been using tens and ones dienes in Maths to help them add numbers together.Reception had a great time playing music with Mr English. They are learning about Tempo and how to move in time with the music.
IMG43371).JPG45Reception had a great time playing music with Mr English. They are learning about Tempo and how to move in time with the music.Pink 1 performing "Finger Story" by Michael Rosen.
PoetryCompetition1).jpeg46Pink 1 performing "Finger Story" by Michael Rosen.