This Week
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Y4/3 football competition winners.
PXL20240314134502535.jpg216Y4/3 football competition winners.This week, Pink 3 have been working in groups to identify the features of a diary entry. This has helped them to write their own.
IMG2355.JPG215This week, Pink 3 have been working in groups to identify the features of a diary entry. This has helped them to write their own.Andres Elizondo talking about Artificial Intelligence in assembly.
551BF0C9-3A79-4487-BA0D-B91E175039E9.jpeg214Andres Elizondo talking about Artificial Intelligence in assembly.Andres Elizondo talking about Artificial Intelligence in assembly.
6E6B58E8-A812-4416-BA45-482E7C89EA52.jpeg213Andres Elizondo talking about Artificial Intelligence in assembly.Year 3 - African Drumming Session
ADRUM1).jpg212Year 3 - African Drumming SessionYear 3 - African Drumming Session
ADRUM2).jpg211Year 3 - African Drumming SessionYear 3 - African Drumming Session
ADRUM3).jpg210Year 3 - African Drumming SessionDental workshop for Science Week.
2E07370A-94FE-465D-843C-C06983AFC7FD.jpeg209Dental workshop for Science Week.Dental workshop for Science Week.
63DD45ED-843D-4A6F-83FC-EAEFC25195D9.jpeg208Dental workshop for Science Week.Dental workshop for Science Week.
194D8CB5-8CCC-47BC-B97D-B5EACBD99CEB.jpeg207Dental workshop for Science Week.Dental workshop for Science Week.
C5C17AF2-5422-43EC-B218-6BD9470548CD.jpeg206Dental workshop for Science Week.Dental workshop for Science Week.
2F033E65-B0A0-4438-9C1B-D6BC8A4494E0.jpeg205Dental workshop for Science Week.