This Week
Thank you - from Steve
thankyou.png103Thank you - from SteveY5 & Y6 trip to Winter Wonderland.
IMG6455.jpg102Y5 & Y6 trip to Winter Wonderland.Y5 & Y6 trip to Winter Wonderland.
IMG6451.jpg101Y5 & Y6 trip to Winter Wonderland.Y5 & Y6 trip to Winter Wonderland.
IMG6458.jpg100Y5 & Y6 trip to Winter Wonderland.Y5 & Y6 trip to Winter Wonderland.
IMG6468.jpg99Y5 & Y6 trip to Winter Wonderland.During RE, the children outlined the expectations of the Messiah, when people heard He was going to be born. They created lovely group posters to demonstrate their understanding of the scripture.
IMG2902.jpeg98During RE, the children outlined the expectations of the Messiah, when people heard He was going to be born. They created lovely group posters to demonstrate their understanding of the scripture.